With filters you can dig deeper in the survey data. Filters show survey results based on rules you get to decide, e.g. respondents who answered ‘Yes’ to a particular question. Most common type of question to be used in filtering is so called 'background question'. These questions tell you to which group a respondent belongs to, e.g. age group, area, team etc. However, any question and its options can be used to filter the results, even open questions.
Search the question in the Analyze-view and click the gear on the top right corner of the graph and select: Create filters. The filters will show up in the right hand box called 'Filters'. This one works well when you need to create filters from e.g. background-type questions like age, gender etc. where there are clear options.
Once you see the options names on the right hand side Filters-box, set on the ones you wish to check and set off the 'All responses' filter.
Creating a new filter
Here you can edit the filter rules created in the quick filters step above, remove unwanted filters or copy an existing filter to modify it only from needed parts.
In the example below we show how to create filters for NPS scores, but the rules apply to any other filters you might wish to create. In NPS the 0 to 10 scale is divided into 3 respondent groups: Passives, Promoters and Detractors.
1. Start with selecting 'Filters' in the Analyze view.
2. Create a new filter with the plus button and name it by double clicking on the 'New filter' -name. Plus button adds a new filter and Minus button removes the selected filter. The Copy icon makes a copy of the chosen filter.
3. Choose whether the filter has to apply to all of the conditions or only some of them.
4. Select which the first condition is to apply to. Usually the condition is a question in the survey, but you can also filter by background information, recipient source etc.
5. Specify the content of the condition.
6. If you wish to add several conditions to the same filter, add the next condition with the Plus button on the right and repeat parts 4 and 5. You can also copy conditions with the right-most button. Make sure that you have selected the correct rule in the step 2 (all of the conditions or only some of them).
7. Save. When you have created the desired filters, you can either activate or deactivate them from the 'Filters' menu on the right.
8. You can add two different condition groups to the same filter. Choose the filter you want to add a group to and click "Add new condition group".
9. Set the conditions you want the filter to fulfill. You can decide if the filter has to fulfill conditions on both groups or only one of them.
10. You can remove groups with minus-sign on the right. Remember to give your filter a more suitable name.
Tips & tricks!
Once you have one filter built, use the double-square -button in the Filters-window to make a copy of it. Then edit the name and rules as needed. This way you don't have to set every rule and condition from ground up.