In the start menu, it is possible to organize the surveys into directories/folders.
Folders and how to create them
The folder structure is available in the "Your surveys", "Shared with you" and "All surveys" sections of the start menu.
Folders are user specific. This means that if you create a folder for yourself called "Customer Satisfaction Surveys", and you move surveys to that folder, other users to whom the survey may have been shared will not see that folder structure. They will still see the surveys as normal and will have the option to sort the surveys into their own folders. Folders do not affect the distribution of surveys in any way. The folder structure cannot be shared from one user to another.
You can create folders and subfolders for them. For example, a folder "customer satisfaction", and under that folder subfolders for each year separately.
You can open a folder by double-clicking on it.
In the top bar you can see which directory or subdirectory you are viewing. The folder names in the bar act as links to those directories and you can move backwards in the directory structure by clicking on them.
You can delete a folder structure by selecting the folder in question and then selecting 'delete'. Deleting a folder does not remove the surveys, it removes the folder structure. After deleting a folder, the surveys contained in the folders will be moved to the folder you are viewing.
The "Rename" function is used to rename the folders.
Using the folders
Once you have created folders for yourself you will be able to organise your surveys in them.
You can move existing surveys to folders by selecting one or more surveys and clicking "Move to folder". A window will then open where you can select the folder you want to move the surveys to. It is possible to move surveys between folders.
When you save a new survey in the survey naming window you can choose the folder in which the survey will be saved. If you have no folders available, the survey will be saved to the root of the "Your survey" directory.