Saving a survey
The survey you are editing is not saved automatically. To save the survey, click the button 'Save' and select 'Save'. By selecting 'Save as...' you can save a new copy of the survey. From the same menu you can also rename the survey or print a pdf of it.
When you save the survey for the first time, a pop up window will ask you to name it.
Save further changes by clicking 'Save' button again and selecting 'Save'. A blue symbol appears on the top right corner of the screen when saving is completed.
Launching a survey
Remember to test the survey in preview before launching it. Especially if there are answer paths in the survey. Note that after launching the structure of the survey cannot be changed anymore. However you can still edit the texts and the style of the survey. Read more about editing a launched survey.
After testing launch the survey by clicking "Launch".