Your organization will need to have dynamic surveys enabled to use this feature. Click here for more information.
Answer Paths is a new addition to our tool. It replaces the old Logic from element settings and the way it works is inverted from the way Logic does. Answer Path uses conditions; when you make a survey element or page conditional it means that by default that element/page will be hidden UNLESS the conditions are met and only then it will be shown to the respondent. You can use this to show to the respondents new elements based on their answers either on the same page or another one.
If you have Dynamic Surveys enabled, when you click on an elements gear icon you will see 'Make conditional...' as below.
When you select 'Make conditional', you will be greeted with the following view:
On the left side, you can see list of elements and pages in the survey (and you can choose which ones you want to view from the top; all elements, conditional elements or only pages). On the right side, you can see the conditional options. First, choose from the left which element's conditions you want to edit, and then you create the conditions on the right. You can set that the element is shown if ALL conditions are met or when ANY of them are.
On the left, you can see an eye-icon next to the elements or pages that currently have conditions added to them, to better keep track of them.
You can also choose multiple elements that use the same conditions. This way you can better keep track of your conditions and this will save you some trouble when you don't have to create the same condition for multiple pages.
These drop down menus are used to choose which conditions apply to the selected elements or pages.
NOTE! You can only use one of the condition groups. Choose ANY group or ALL group. If you put conditions in both groups, only one of the groups will affect the structure of the survey.
On the conditions, you can use the plus and minus buttons on the right to add more conditions or to remove them.
Example 1:
In this example, there is conditional text element on page 2 and it will only be shown if the respondent chooses the first option in the single choice element on the first page. In this case, page 2 will always be shown, but it will be empty if the respondent didn't choose the first option.
Example 2:
Here is further edited example 1: Now, the page 2 is conditional which means the entire page will be hidden (and thus skipped) by all respondents who did not choose the first option as well as have English as their language.
Example 3:
You can also use multiple choice element with conditions, as well as show other elements on the current page.
The text field will not be shown, unless both 'First option' and 'Second option' have been selected.
Guiding respondent out of the survey
If you wish to guide the respondent out of the survey, you need to add the condition to all the pages after the specific question.
Pictures for different language versions
You can also make pictures (e.g. your organizations logo) change depending on respondents language choice. Add all the pictures you wish and then use conditions to only show them if the respondent has a matching language.
An answer is given
You might have a situation where you need to make a certain element or page conditional based on if certain question has an answer to it at all. First intuition might be to do it as below, so that every option is made into a condition.
But there is a condition specifically for this called 'Is answered', which also works for Open text fields. This means that if the specific question has any kind of answer at all, the condition is true and the element/page is shown.