It is possible to schedule e-mail invitations and reminders at a desired time. You can find more information about sending invitations and reminders from these links.
In the 'Manage' view, you will see a list of all survey responses and the status of the response.
The status of the scheduled response is "In send Queue" and the upcoming dispatch time is displayed next to the the status information.
Cancel scheduled responses or reminders
You can cancel a scheduled response invitation or reminder through the 'Invitations' -menu. The cancellation applies to the selected invitation task.
1. In the manage view click 'Invitations' -menu
2. From the drop down menu select invitation task you wish to cancel
3. Click 'Cancel invitations'
4. Confirm invitation task cancellation
5. Invitation task that has been canceled can be deleted from the same menu.
If you cancel reminder task, it is not possible to delete it. Deleting reminder task would delete original survey responses. If you cancel reminder task you can reschedule the task. If you do not reschedule the reminder, the survey status in manage view is not updated. Status will stay as "in send queue" even if the reminder is cancelled.
6. Confirm invitation task deletion