1. Go to https://fonts.google.com/
2. Select a font family
3. From the Styles list, select font styles you want to add to the survey
Tip: you can select fonts from several font families by going back from “Browse fonts”. It is recommended to add only the fonts needed, as every selected font adds weight to page load.
4. Your selected styles appear in the Selected family panel on the right. Here you can browse your selections, remove them and go back to view other weights from selected font’s family
5. After selecting the fonts you need, copy the <link> code under Use on the web
6. Paste the <link> code to your survey, into Build view’s Settings, under Snippets tab into the Header section and Save
7. Go back to Google Fonts page and copy CSS rules for the font under Use on the web
8. Go to your survey’s Design view and select Custom CSS
9. To the custom CSS text field, define the font’s scope. If you want the selected font appear on the whole survey, add next code
body * { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }
Tip: If you added several fonts, their scope needs to be defined separately. For example, add font for only to survey title and questions with this code:
.element h1, .element h3 { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; }