Every survey element have own identifier (element code) what you can use when you want to show element answer in automation or in other page of the survey. You can use these identifiers also with external survey link so that you bring the answer for the element in link parameter.
How to count element identifier
Element identifier have two parts, page number and element number.
For example p0e0:
- p0 is first page of the survey, p1 is second page and p2 is third page
- e0 is the page first element, e1 is second element and e2 is third element
When you count elements, remember to count also images and text elements. See example below.
Above image shows the element codes in first page of the survey.
Above image shows element identifiers in second page of the survey. See how element code always starts from zero (e0) but page number increases by one (p1).
How to use element identifier with other survey element
Element identifier allows you to show previous page element answer in current page. You just need to add element identifier to double curly brackets (for example {{p0e1}}) and use it as part of element title or description.
See the first image. There is a number scale 0-10 element which element identifier is p0e5. We want to ask why respondent gave us certain score. First we add open text element to next page which title contains element identifier inside double curly brackets like this "We like to know why you gave score {{p0e5}}?" This will take answer from first page number scale element and show it in the question title. If respondent add answer 7 to first page number scale then the question is "We like to know why you gave score 7?"
How to use element identifier with automation
You can add element identifiers to your automation and that way show element answer for example in email message. You just need to add element identifier to double curly brackets (for example {{p0e1}}) to your automation. See this example how to pick up value from element and push it with automation to another service.
Types of element identifiers
For most of elements it's enough to add just page and element (p0e0) to get the question answer. But with slider, scale and table elements you have to add more specific identifier to get correct value.
p0e0 (page, element)
single choice / dropdown / open field / satisfaction / number scale
p0e0 (page, element, option)
multi choice / image selection
You can use only p0e0 which will echo list of selected options.
If you like to get separated values then you need to add option index, for example p0e0.0 p0e0.1 will echo first and second option values if these are selected. If option is not selected by respondent then value is empty.
p0e0.0 (page, element, statement)
p0e0.0-0 (page, element, statement, block)
scale / table
p0e0.0-0.0 (page, element, statement, block, column)
Example (slider):
{{p0e1.2}} echoes answer of second element's third statement in first page
Example (table):
{{p0e0.1-0.0}} echoes answer of first element's second statement's first block's first column in first page
Example (scale/table):
{{p0e0.1-1.1}} echoes answer of first element's second statement's second block's second column in first page