Please note!
Anonymized response data cannot be restored.
Collected survey responses can be set to be anonymized after a specified time after they have been submitted.
1. Open ‘Manage’ view and select ‘response management’
2. Go to ‘Anonymize’ -tab
3. Enable automatic response anonymization
4. Specify a time period. The minimum is 14 days
5. Specify which questions responses you want to anonymize
6. Click ‘Save’.
With scheduled anonymization, the anonymization times for individual responses can be viewed in the Anonymization column in the collected responses list.
When scheduled responses are anonymized, the log of the anonymizations is stored in the Response Management window.
When you create a scheduled anonymization it will take 14 days for it to take effect, after which all answers with set rules are anonymized. (Example: You have a survey which has 3 years worth of responses. You set a rule of "Anonymize responses older than 1 year", it will take 14 days to go active, and when it activates all responses which were given more than a year ago are anonymized. This countdown will reset if you delete and create another rule.)
You can also cancel a scheduled anonymization:
- Open ‘Manage’ view and select ‘response management’
- Go to ‘Anonymize’ -tab
- Disable automatic response anonymization
- Click ‘Save’.