Please note!
It is not possible to restore anonymized answer data.
Anonymization should only be done for a closed survey, anonymization removes active response links on email invitations.
Anonymizing all responses
By anonymizing responses, all identifying data will be removed, while keeping other answer values intact. You can choose which questions or meta data to erase that contain identifying information about a respondent. Anonymization also removes all file uploads. It is not possible to restore anonymized answer data. Use with caution.
1. Open ‘Manage’ view and select ‘response management’
2. Go to ‘Anonymize’ -tab
3. Choose ‘Anonymize all’ button
4. In the new window choose all the questions you want to anonymize
5. Choose "Confirm anonymization"
6. Select questions for anonymization
7. Click ‘Anonymize All’
8. Response anonymization process will begin shortly
9. There is a short period to cancel the anonymization if you realize you've made a mistake - click the "Stop anonymization" button