In Rank order question, the respondent can rank the given options, or a predetermined number of given options. Each option can only be selected once. This question element is suitable for questions such as "Choose three of your favourites and rank them".
Rank order question can be used for text options, image options and combined text and image options.
Here is a demonstration video of the different types within this question type.
The question type has three different layouts.
- Vertical layout
- Horizontal layout
- Vertical layout with separate areas for ranked and unranked options
You can change the settings of the question via gear menu under settings. In the vertical layout, it is possible to use an image or text, and an image and text. The horizontal layout is for an image only.
Note: The layout of the Rank order question should not be changed after the survey has been published, as this will affect the answers given and distort the results.
Vertical layout:
You can choose how the option is presented, i.e. whether the option is only image, only text or text and image.
Depending on the type of option you choose, an option to crop the images will appear.
Example survey:
Test the example survey in the preview.
Horizontal layout:
Horizontal layout is for image options. This layout is suitable for questions such as "Rank our new products" or "We are redesigning our product packaging, please rank the packaging options".
Example survey:
Test the example survey in the preview.
Vertical layout with separate areas for ranked and unranked options:
You can choose how the option is presented, i.e. whether the option is an image only, text only or text and image.
Depending on the type of option you choose, an option to crop the images will appear.
This option allows you to set a limit on the number of response options you want to rank. So, for example, you could ask "Choose three of your favourites and rank them". If the constraint is set to 0, the respondent can choose how many options to rank.
Example survey:
Test the example survey in the preview.
General settings:
In all these three options, you can set the text weights to the extremes of the scale (max/min). The extremes should be so that the option with the highest value score is at the top, or in a horizontal layout at the left-hand edge. And the option with the lowest score is at the bottom, or in the horizontal layout at the right-hand side. Replace "Add max label" text and put description such as "Best" and replace "Add min label" and put a description of the lowest scoring item such as "Worst".
You can add answer option texts or images in the design view by clicking on "Add an option". And it is also possible to add texts via the "Contents" in the gear menu.
Rank weights
The results for the rank question are calculated with a weighted average. If there are four options to be scored, the highest option will be given a value of 4, the next one a value of 3, and so on. You can access the weight settings via the gear menu under rank weights. You can edit the weights as required or reset any changes previously made to the weights.
Design options
The Rank order question also has its own desing settings.
These settings can be found on the Design tab under Colors.
The Colors menu allows you to edit the colour of the background and text of the Rank order question.
Results view
The first result view of the ranking question shows the weighted average.
The weighed average comes from the fact that each response gives a score for a ranked option and the average is calculated of these scores . The score is displayed in the question's gear menu under "Rank weights". The weighted average for an option shown in the results is calculated by dividing the score for that option by the total number of respondents to that question.
This example question has 8 options, all of which had to be ranked. The rank weights of the options in the question is the default weighting. Therefore, the maximum possible weighted average is therefore 8. In order for any of the options to have a weighted average of 8, all respondents would have ranked that option at the top.
After the weighted average chart, a separate chart is shown for each option, showing the number of times that option is ranked first, second etc.
In the example survey, the "Latte" option is ranked 9 times as the first option and 5 times as the second option by 16 respondents.