It is possible to embed number scale buttons to Zendesk email, so that the respondent can click one of those buttons and the survey will automatically continue in a browser.
Before creating the buttons you must have published the survey and configured Zendesk integration.
Follow these steps
1. Create a survey in which you have number scale element on the first page. See example here.
2. Publish the survey.
The survey must be published before you can configure integration. To launch the survey click 'Launch' from the top menu in Build view. Remember that you cannot edit your survey's structure after publishing it.
3. Configure integration.
Follow instructions to configure your integration.
In this case you don't need to copy the survey address unlike in the instructions because you have custom link what we will add next to Zendesk.
4. Use our NPS button generator to generate codes and link needed in next steps.
5. Add generated survey link to Zendesk dynamic content.
Generator contains instructions how to do it.
6. Use our generator to create new Zendesk trigger.
Generator contains instructions how to do it.
As a result you should have a new trigger which looks similar to this:
You can now test the number scale. Solve one ticket in Zendesk and you should receive an email. Answer the first question in the email and see what happens. The survey should automatically open in a browser. Answer for the first question is already there.