Number scale buttons in Zendesk email doesn't work
Buttons are not clickable
If buttons in the email are not clickable, make sure your dynamic content name is the same you use in the trigger or automation email body HTML code.
Go to Zendesk settings, select "Dynamic Content" under Manage title and open your dynamic content. In this example dynamic content name is "mikkomzendeskdemo1".
Now go to your trigger or automation (under title Business Rules) and find dynamic content name from your email body HTML code. If you have seven buttons you should see your dynamic content name there seven times.
Buttons are clickable
If buttons are clickable but survey doesn't open and you get error "Survey not found", you have problem with the link. Make sure it's valid.
If you have a number scale question embed to email, check these points:
- Check element code from the Zendesk trigger or automation. For example in our example data parameter look like this &data={p0e1:1} where p0e1 is the element code. Make sure it is correct. It starts always with p0 (page index for the first page. Counting for the indexes start from 0). Element index e1 defines the element in question is the second one on the said page. For example third element on the page will have element index e2.
- Check your link from Dynamic content. Most common error is problem with meta parameter.
One meta information format is: {'key':'ZendeskTicketId','value':'{{}}'}
ZendeskTicketId is name of header and you can decide the name by yourself.
{{}} is Zendesk placeholder which takes ID from Zendesk ticket.
See instructions how to edit the link.
These link problems can be challenging to fix so don't hesitate to contact our customer support
None of the Zendesk fields gets updated
Make sure that your Zendesk plan is Professional or Enterprise. Integration won't work if you are using the Essentials plan.
Closed tickets cannot be updated. By default there’s automation which closes solved ticket after 4 days. After the ticket is closed survey answers cannot be updated to ticket anymore.
Check that you have selected "Update all new responses to Zendesk" from integration mapping view. Go to Manage view, select Integrations and click "Edit" on Zendesk row.
If your organization have multiple Surveypal accounts but only one Zendesk account, make sure you have Zendesk connected to Surveypal:
- Click your name in the bottom left corner
- Select "User account" and from there tab "Connected accounts"
You should see that Zendesk is connected.
For example
- Lauri and Mikko from Surveypal are using same Zendesk account
- Lauri clicks "Disconnect" button in Surveypal Connected accounts view
- After that also Mikko's integration won't work because of missing Zendesk connection
Only some of the Zendesk fields gets updated
Make sure field type and values in Zendesk match to those you have in Surveypal question element.
Accepted formats and values
Date field: dd-/.MM-/.yyyy, yyyy-/.MM-/.dd and with HH:mm, e.g. 23.05.2016 or 2016/05/23 12:00.
Checkbox field: Yes/No, Y/N, True/False, T/F, On/Off, 1/0.
Dropdown field: option names need to match fully between survey and Zendesk field (capital letters etc.).
Mapping to Satisfaction
Satisfaction score field accepted values are "good" or "bad". Your question element in the survey must have these values when you map it to Satisfaction score field.
Adding only Satisfaction comment to Zendesk is not possible. Comment is not updated to Zendesk without a score but a score can be updated without a comment.